MOMA's research program is anchored at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, and Aarhus University Hospital.
The list below contains a selection of larger projects and research networks.
A randomized controlled trial investigating the benefit of plasma ctDNA guided postoperative surveillance of patients resected (R0/R1) for stage I, II and III PDAC compared to the current standard-of-care surveillance
Population: Patients resected with curative intend for stage I, II and III pancreatic cancer
Sample size: 410
A prospective observational study exploring the prognostic and predictive value of measuring ctDNA prior to and after curative intended treatment, andduring postoperative surveillance.
Population: Stage I-III colorectal cancer patients
Sample size: 1600 NCT06076811
DANTE Cryo Study
DANTE Cryo Study - The Danish Turner Cryopreservation Study is a collaboratiob with Dorte Hansen, Odense University Hospital; Katharina Main and Casper Hagen, Department of Growth and Reproducion, Rigshospitalet, Linn Salto and Stine Gry Kristensen, Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Rigshospitalet.
Danish National Center for Circulating Tumor DNA Guided Cancer Treatment (ctDNA Center)
The DCCC ctDNA Research Center is a national founded research center for ctDNA guided cancer treatment. We develop clinical protocols and provide critical infrastructure for conducting ctDNA guided treatments trials. The objective of the center is to provide a framework for faster clinical implementation of ctDNA guided treatment decisions.
The center is managed by Center Director Professor Claus Lindbjerg Andersen and Center Vice Director Professor Lars Dyrskjøt Andersen.
Danish Prostate Cancer Consortium
Danish Prostate Cancer Consortium Study 1 (DPCC-1).
A collaboration to promote prostate cancer research. DPCC-1 is a scientific project carried out in collaboration between departments at Aarhus University Hospital, Odense University Hospital and Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, as well as the Department of Molecular Medicine in Skejby. The aim of this trial is to develop better and more accurate blood or blood-based tests for the early detection of prostate cancer.
An EU-funded project involving multiple scientific and industry partners in EU and US.
The project aims to identify the most accurate and sensitive ctDNA test available for detecting minimal residual disease (MRD) and for guiding treatment choices.
In the initial part of the project novel ctDNA standards will be defined that will be used for benchmarking currently available blood tests.
In the second phase of project, the most promising ctDNA blood tests will be compared head-to-head in prospective randomized lung, pancreatic and colorectal cancers trials.

A prospective observational study exploring the prognostic and predictive value of measuring ctDNA prior to and after curative intended treatment, and during postoperative surveillance.
Population: Stage I-III colorectal cancer patients
Sample size: 2500 NCT03748680
A randomized trial investigating if treating postoperative ctDNA positive patients standard adjuvant chemotherapy therapy improves the disease free survival, compared to the standard of care surveillance.
Population: Stage I-II ctDNA positive colorectal cancer patients
Sample size: 36 NCT03748680
A randomized controlled trial investigating the benefit of ctDNA guided postoperative surveillance compared to the current standard-of-care CT-scan surveillance for patients with colorectal cancer.
Population: Adjuvant chemotherapy treated stage II high risk and stage III colorectal cancer patients
Sample size: 310 NCT04084249
A prospective randomized trial investigating the effect of RFA-mediated immune-stimulation in patients undergoing curative-intent surgery for CRLM, compared to current standard-of-care. The study also explores the utility of using ctDNA as a biomarker for prediction of incipient recurrence.
Population: Patients treated with curative intend for colorectal liver metastases
Sample size: 220 NCT04798898
Nordic-SUN trial
A Multicenter Randomized trial of deferred cytoreductive nephrectomy in synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma receiving checkpoint inhibitors: a DaRenCa and NoRenCa trial evaluating the impact of surgery versus no surgery.
Niels Fristrup is the Principal Investigator.
Population: Patients with synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Sample size: 400 NCT03977571

The PRACTICAL consortium has pioneered genome wide association studies (GWAS) for prostate cancer.
Pan Prostate Cancer Group (PPCG)

Pan Prostate Cancer Group (PPCG)
Providing breakthrough advances through analysis of a very large series of Whole Genome DNA data from prostate cancer
RESPONSE: coloRectal cancEr Survivors’ follow-uP care – nOw digi-tal and Need-baSEd. A national interventional trial for stage I and II patients.
A national multicenter prospective interventional study comparing ctDNA and ePROM guided surveillance to standard of care CT-imaging based surveillance.
Population: Stage I and low-risk stage II colorectal cancer patients
Sample size: 400
The study Intervention Group (IG) receives ctDNA and ePROM guided surveillance, which includes: 1) serial ctDNA monitoring to identify individuals with high risk of recurrence, 2) serial ePROM monitoring to identify ‘organ-specific late effects’ and ‘biopsychosocial late effects’, 3) planned and systematic management/intervention of recurrence and late effects, and 4) personalized self-managed follow-up by a digital care guide as a smartphone application.
The standard-of-care group (SG) receives standard-of-care CT-imaging based recurrence surveillance.
Treatment Of Metastatic Bladder Cancer at the Time Of Biochemical reLApse Following Radical Cystectomy
A ctDNA guided intervention trial where we aim to recruit 282 patients with locally advanced bladder cancer. Patients are monitored after cystectomy with ctDNA assays, and treatment with immunotherapy is initiated in ctDNA positive patients. Identifier: NCT04138628
We are very excited to be part of the UK-based TRACERx (Tracking Cancer Evolution Through Therapy) consortium,, led by Professor Charles Swanton at the Francis Crick Institute, London, UK.
Here we particularly contribute to the analysis of ctDNA-based phylogenetic tracking of cancer evolution during therapy.
Turner Syndrome Guideline Group
A three year developmental process with the aim of introducing new international clinical care guidelines for Turner syndrome.
An international meeting with delegates from all five continents took place in Aarhus, Denmark in June 2023, followed by writing of the guidelines.

UROMOL Consortium
A prospective European multi-center study of patients diagnosed with early-stage bladder cancer to identify and validate prognostic biomarkers in urine, tissue, and blood samples. A particular focus has been to delineate gene expression signatures for predicting disease outcome and to establish risk scores for outcome combining molecular markers and clinical risk factors. The consortium has been active since 2008.